Banking Management System

The purpose of this project was to develop a desktop application to manage a banking system using Java.This software includes all basic functionalities of a bank and it also includes email api to inform customer about their transactions through email. I have used file system to manage user database but it can be ported to any database like SQl.

GST Management System

The purpose of this project was to design a desktop application to manage Goods and Services Taxation system using Java.This application have all basic functionalities that a customer/retailer need to manage his/her shop efficiently.Email-api has been used to connect retailer with mailing service. SQL database is used to manage retailer data and monthly turnover of retailers.

Online Compiler IDE

It's a web based application that can be used as an online IDE to compile and execute languages like C/C++ Java and Python by any individual or in any programming contest. The main idea was to link rich command line feature of a Linux with a web page using PHP.To handle back-end database MYSQL is used. Features like user registration and auto detect language has been also added to it.

Simultaneous Clustering Using Genetic Algo.

This project is based on a research paper where we are working on the IRIS dataset to create different clusters and calculating the Objective function for further analysis.

Retail Shop Management

The purpose of this project was to design a desktop application to manage a retail shop using application have all basic functionalities that a retailer need to manage his/her shop efficiently.SQL database is used to manage all data.