Personal Details

Abhishek Kumar Mishra
Bhore Gopalganj
Bihar India
Pincode:- 841426
12th April 1996
Mobile:- 9771894740


To be a part of an organization where I can fully utilize my skills in programming languages and make a significant
contribution to the success of the company and at the same time pursue my individual growth.

Education Details

S/N Examination School/College Board of Examination Year of Passing Aggregate
1. Bachelor in Engineering University Institute of Technology Burdwan university 2018 77%
2. Senior Secondary Pankti Pawan Gurukul Mahavidhyalaya,Gopalganj Bihar BSEB 2013 69.3%
3. Higher Secondary Assumption Public School Gorakhpur,UP CBSE 2011 68.4%

Professional Experience

  1. DevOps Engineer at Sigmoid Analytics (2018 - now)
    working on Big Data Technologies and tools like Spark, Hadoop, AWS, GCP, Mysql, MongoDB, Linux, Shell scripting


  1. Comfortable with Java, C++, Data Structure and Algorithm, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP(Beginner), HTML, CSS, Bootstrap(Beginner), Javascript(Beginner).
  2. Hands-on experience with Spark, Apache-Hadoop, Yarn, AWS, GCP, Shell Scripting, Git, Linux and Windows.
  3. Risk-taking, collaborative, self-motivated, and a good fast learner.

Languages Known

  1. Hindi
  2. English
  3. Bengali


  1. Banking Management System
  2. Worked on data validation part using core Java and eclipse neon.

  3. Goods and Services Tax Management System
  4. Worked on UI designing and backend handling of this project using Java and SQL.

  5. Online Compiler IDE
  6. Worked on UI designing and backend handling of this project using HTML,CSS,Javascript and PHP.

  7. Simultaneous Clustering and feature weighting using multi objective Genetic Algorithm
  8. Technologies used :- Java on eclipse IDE
    Dataset used :- Iris dataset

  9. College Management System
  10. Performed key role in the development process of the UI part and backend part of this web application
    using HTML,CSS,JS, PHP and MySQL.

    >Find my projects and their source codes on my Github account :


  1. Successfully completed course on "Data structure and algorithm using Python" with an aggregate of 86% .
  2. Trainig on Core JAVA with Globsyn.
  3. Participated and cleared Codevita Season V round 1 organised by Tata Consultancy services.

Field of Interest

  1. Big Data
  2. Programming
  3. DevOps


  1. Exploring technology
  2. Reading novels
  3. Listening music


I hereby declare that the above mentioned details are true to the best of my knowledge.